Tough Day, Sweet Night

Bennett's health has much improved - he is eating like a horse and he is dancing, running, hopping, chasing Frankie - all of it with the energy expected of an almost 18month old. All that's left is an annoying little cough, one that his doctor called "gunky."

With his good health though comes what I know is the beginning of the Terrible Twos. He vascillates between wanting to do everything himself and wanting to be picked up. When he can't do something, like put the buckle on his highchair together by himself, he gets easily frustrated and starts to wail. He refuses to sit still and he doesn't like it if you hold his hand while in the street. If you try to hold his hand he will plop himself on the ground, resisting you with all his might. If he grabs something he shouldn't and he sees that you're on to him, he smiles and runs the other way, gleeful. Oh and if he's really pissed, he'll take a bite out of your arm or worse, he'll head-butt you and damn, that hurts! That's how it was most of today. J and I are exhausted!

As exhausted as I was, he happily picked out The Family Book, by Todd Parr for his bedtime story. If you don't have this book, I highly recommend it - it talks about all the different kinds of families there are. There was one part of the story that had a picture of two goldfish bowls, one with 2 goldfish in it and one with just 1 goldfish. The text said "All families are sad when they lose someone they love." I made a really sad face to try to show Bennett what "sad" meant. He looked at me, wrapped his arms tightly around my neck, patted my back and planted a big old kiss on my cheek and sad "nye,nye mommy."