Lions and Tigers and....Anteaters? Oh My.

Do you know what this is? Me neither.

Today we decided rather spontaneously to make use of our annual pass at the L.A. Zoo and go for a visit. For the past two days, Bennett has been asking to go on a vacation. To China. Yes, China. He wants to see pandas in China. We figured the zoo would be the next closest thing - although we later found out there were no pandas at the L.A. Zoo. Still, we enjoyed a lovely Saturday strolling around checking out all the animals

We approached the section with the animals pictured above and Bennett asked me what they were. I of course had no clue. Anteater I said? He smiled and said "Noooooo....they're tapirs!" I couldn't see the sign so I said "I don't know, let's go find out." But a smart looking dad standing next to us turned to me and said "Actually, he's right. Those are tapirs."

Smartie pants!

I've been schooled by Bennett. Tapirs. Who knew? Thanks Go Diego Go for educating our child so well!