Happy Halloween!

Bennett is FINALLY into Halloween! Yay! This is the first year we've ever seen him so excited about dressing up in his costume and going trick or treating. He picked a dragon costume (though I think it is actually a T-Rex, but if you tell him it's a dinosaur he gets very upset. So it's a dragosaur:)) His pre-school had a Halloween parade on Friday and they got to trick or treat from class to class. The costumes were all incredible! The costumes we wore as kids (plastic mask and costume that made you all sweaty in about 10 seconds) are so pitiful when you compare it to the costumes they have today for kids. Bennett was a little grumpy that morning, and wasn't sure what he was supposed to do when he trick or treated for candy. By the end of the hour he got the hang of it....

And then he turned PRO. This evening we went trick or treating with all the cousins in the O.C.! He loved it. I mean really, really, loved it. He roared like a dragon all night long and he ran from one house to the next. Not walked. Ran! He yelled out "Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!" when they opened the door and would come find me to open up his homemade Halloween candy bag and show me what he had collected. Some houses were a little bit too spooky for a 3 year old and he would turn back to get his Dad before going to the door. But then afterward, he would say "I wasn't scared. I'm brave."

Happy Halloween everyone!