15 Months Old!

Yesterday, Bennett turned 15 months old! He has so far been early in absolutely everything - from crawling to walking to teeth to using the potty. Now it seems he is early in the tantrum throwing department. I had read that the Terrible Two's actually begin at around 18 months. But Bennett seems to be starting now. There are alot of things he wants now and he will, point, grunt, whine, stomp his foot and ultimately throw himself on the ground and bang his forehead on the floor if he doesn't get it. He uses the wrong sign language for "want" -- he uses the sign for "more" and "eat" but really he means "want" as in -- I want that funny shaped toy with a cord (ie the iron) or I want that pretty green tub thing (ie glass vase). John and I are trying the "Happiest Toddler on the Block" method of talking to him in caveman talk and making him feel like we understand him, even though we're still not going to put a hot iron into his hands.

He loves to play peek a boo and "catch me if you can" and adores having other kids around to play (that includes his Auntie Chris and Uncle Jerz!) Bennett also loves to play with his mama's extra roll on her tummy. He thinks its really funny. His mama doesn't! ("Are you calling me fat?")

Bennett likes rice. Not pasta. Rice. He's an Asian kid through and through! I can normally sneak in a good dose of vegetables if I put it in his rice.

He knows where his nose, eyes, mouth, feet, ears and belly button are located. When we say "One.." he can follow up with "Two...." All furry animals are still "dhoggie" and alot of people are still 'daddy" but I can swear he has referred to me as "mama" more than once and I'm pretty sure he didn't mean "banana" that time:)