E.R. - The Return

Ahhhh, Sunday morning. The weather is beautiful. Maybe we'll have a nice brunch outside. Take a walk in the park. Bennett wakes up happy and gives us the sign for "milk" so I pick him up and head to the kitchen to start the day. With one hand holding Bennett and the other preparing his bottle - a multitasking feat I've accomplished many times before - Bennett reaches out and grabs the rim of the formula can. And he holds on tight. Doesn't let go. I finally wrestle it out of his hand, and head back to his room with his bottle. It's not until I get to his room that I notice there is blood on my hand, and a trail of blood on the carpet. Did I cut myself? I checked and saw a small scratch on my hand. Wasn't too bad.

Then I turned to Bennett who was drinking his bottle and I noticed the bottle was all red. It was his hand that was cut. His little pinky on his left hand. Not just little drops of blood. LOTS of it. All of it coming from that little tiny, itsy bitsy pinky.

Of course I'm trying to stay calm. It's just a little cut, I thought. Cleaned in up and put a bandaid on it. A few minutes later the bandaid was soaked through and it kept coming. I put pressure on it for 10 minutes in hopes of stopping the bleeding so I could at least take a better look at the cut but it still didnt stop. There was blood on the bed, blood on the floor - it was looking like a crime scene and freaking me out!

So off to ER we went, as we were advised to do by the nurse on the phone who said he might need stitches. We weren't there for very long this time, though we came prepared: food from Whole Foods, extra bottles and food for Bennett, a laptop. We were in for the expected long haul. They glued his little pinky with Dermabond, a kind of superglue for skin and sent him on his way. Here he is with his pinky all bandaged up.