Milestones: Age 3.5 (almost)

I haven't done a milestone check in a long while so thought I'd take note of all the super-human things Bennett can do and things he loves at age 3 and an almost half:

  • Numbers. Bennett has been counting to almost 20 for a long time now. He can even count in Spanish up to 10. But this weekend was the first time I learned that he could understand simple addition and subtraction. I held up one finger on my left and one on my right and said what is 1+1? He shouted out "2!" Then I tried holding up three fingers and asked "What is 3 take away 1?" And he shouted "2!" Did that with all different combinations on our fingers and he could count them!
  • Spelling. So far he can only spell his name by memory but he can read letters everywhere including "T-A-R-G-E-T" and he likes to spell on the computer. He will ask me how to spell it and he will type. He has also started to sound words out. So if I ask him "What letter does Tiger start with?" he will go "Ta, ta ,ta ,ta .....T!!!!!!!"
  • Puzzles. Bennett has always been pretty good with puzzles but lately he just seems so much FASTER at doing them. I think I will need to buy the 1000 piece United States of America puzzle one day soon.
  • Video Games. I know, I know - bad mommy! I let Bennett play video games on the computer. I am amazed at how good he is with navigating around the computer. It makes me want to buy a separate computer just for him and one of the ball chairs that you see at the Apple store for kids and just let him have at it. But then we may never see him again and he may grow up to be a teenage gamer with no social skills, so I will likely keep it at a minimum.
  • Trains, trains, trains! This kid loves his Thomas trains. He has collected Thomas, Stanley, Harold and the Chinese Dragon so far from the Dinosaur Farm toy store here in Pasadena. And he doesn't hesitate to tell me the ones he is still missing. "Trains" are also the number one reason he loves his new school. They have a ton of them there and I have trouble getting him to come to me when I pick him up to go home.
  • Santa - I don't know how or where Santa suddenly seeped into his brain, but a few weeks ago he woke up and yelled "I hear him! I hear Santa on his sleigh!" (it was the garbage truck outside.) He knows that Santa is watching him and that he has to be good to get presents this year. If he is ever misbehaving, all I have to do is grab my phone and say "I'm calling Santa" and Bennett becomes a perfect little angel once again.
  • Storytelling - After coming home from school, Bennett is often alone in his room playing with his toys. I hear him talking though and I should really start recording his stories! Sometimes he's an astronaut flying in space and falling to the earth into a puddle of HOT LAVA! Sometimes he's Sir Topham Hatt directing his trains to the Works. I love it. I love his imagination.
Anyways, there's a lot more to add to this but let me post this for now. Oh he is 39" tall and weighs 40 lbs!!!!! Big boy!


Chrisp said...

what an absolute cutey!