Two more weeks!

We are back from a short trip to L.A. where we set out to find a place to live for the next six months. Bennett got to go on an airplane -- something he hasn't done since he was two because his Mommy decided to boycott Southwest after they changed their family boarding policy. We ended up renting a 2-bedroom in Pasadena off of Lake starting July 13. Email us if you want the address (though we will be sending out a change of address at some point too).

After several hours of driving around all different corners of L.A. -- we chose Pasadena partly because John already "loves it" since that is where he went to school -- but also because it was the only place where I felt a wonderful sense of calm. Being in L.A. proper has this weird effect on me where I become completely INSANE and I start cursing at every car that cuts me off. Although we liked Los Feliz, Hancock Park, Cheviot Hills, Santa Monica -- and we may still end up looking there when we finally buy a house down the road -- Pasadena was great because it felt so good to be away from L.A. The small town feel, the tree-lined neighborhoods, the parks. So nice! Bennett liked it too. We also visited a great daycare while we were down there and I think Bennett will adjust well to the change.

So now that we're back in Cupertino - the real pressure starts to build. I cannot believe the massive amounts of junk we have acquired over the past several years. There is so much left to do before the movers come to take all our stuff (except for the furniture which stays here until the house sells) to storage. I wake up with giant knots in my stomach because I am feeling so anxious about getting stuff done!