Growing Boy

Went to the doctor yesterday for his 12 month checkup. Strong and healthy as ever! He's 23 lbs (55th percentile) and 31 inches tall (85th percentile). Bennett also got his shots for Chicken Pox. It amazes me to think that they actually have a vaccine for this now - and have for the past 10 years. I still have vivid memories of covering myself with ice because I was so itchy. The doc said 80% of kids who get the vaccine won't get chicken pox and those that do get a very light version of it. Wow - I felt really old just then because I heard my own thoughts saying..."in my day..."

Oh and finally - a reason for his irritability lately. Molars! Doc said they usually don't come in until 15-18 months thereabouts but we checked and there they were. One of them already cutting through and the rest pushing up against the gum. Ouch:(